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When to Consider Perineural Injections for Arthritis

When to Consider Perineural Injections for Arthritis

Are you finding it difficult to do the things you want and need to do each day because of arthritis pain? Perineural injections are a safe, non-addictive treatment with great results for arthritis pain.
Jul 1st, 2024
Why Does My Hair Suddenly Look Thinner?

Why Does My Hair Suddenly Look Thinner?

Although some things are better when they are thinner, one of them is probably not your hair. If you’ve noticed new thinning, you may be wondering why, and what you can do about it.
Jun 17th, 2024
The Secret to Banishing Brown Spots

The Secret to Banishing Brown Spots

Who doesn’t want to feel great and to look great? If you dedicate time to maintaining your health, you probably would like that to be reflected in your appearance. Brown spots, especially on your face, can be bothersome. We can help.
May 16th, 2024
 I Have Deep Nasolabial Folds. Can You Help?

I Have Deep Nasolabial Folds. Can You Help?

Nearly everyone has some part of their appearance they consider flawed. What you may not realize is that we can correct some such flaws fairly easily. Here, we consider marionette lines, or nasolabial folds.
Apr 10th, 2024
Relieve Osteoarthritis with Prolotherapy

Relieve Osteoarthritis with Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy is a minimally invasive alternative treatment for soft tissue damage, including the kind of damage you experience when you have osteoarthritis. The treatment has few side effects and is very effective for some people.
Mar 7th, 2024
3 Innovative Treatments to Restore Thinning Hair

3 Innovative Treatments to Restore Thinning Hair

Almost no one looks forward to or enjoys seeing their hair become thinner and less lustrous. We offer three innovative treatments that can help restore your hair, and you may be surprised by what they are.
Jan 11th, 2024
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins for Good

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins for Good

Varicose veins don’t usually represent a health threat, but that doesn’t mean you have to like them or live with them. We can help you get rid of those ropey veins for good.
Dec 1st, 2023

Everything No One Told You About Your Hormones Postpartum

Most women get lots of advice about what to expect after their baby is born, but not usually about what to expect when it comes to their hormones. Wildly fluctuating hormones can come as a surprise. Here’s what you need to know.
Oct 3rd, 2023
Botox, Dysport, or Jeuveau: Which Is Right for Me?

Botox, Dysport, or Jeuveau: Which Is Right for Me?

Once you’ve made the decision to do something about those lines and wrinkles that have been bothering you, you have another choice to face. What, exactly, should you do? In this post, we discuss three popular injectables.
Aug 4th, 2023
What Are Hyaluronic Acid Fillers and How Do They Work?

What Are Hyaluronic Acid Fillers and How Do They Work?

Advertisements for cosmetic products often refer to hyaluronic acid. Ads for everything from hair products to moisturizers mention it. What is hyaluronic acid? How does it work when it’s the active ingredient in an injectable?
Jul 11th, 2023

4 Signs of Low Testosterone in Men

Testosterone is sometimes called the “male hormone,” and it’s important for men’s sexual function, among other things. You might have difficulty recognizing the signs of low testosterone, so here are four signs you may have low testosterone.
Jun 1st, 2023
3 Reasons Your Hair Is Thinning

3 Reasons Your Hair Is Thinning

Regardless of your gender or age, finding that your hair is thinning can be surprising and may affect your self-esteem. Here, we describe three things that can cause hair thinning, as well as some of the treatments available.
May 3rd, 2023
Are Bulging Varicose Veins Treatable?

Are Bulging Varicose Veins Treatable?

Do you have bulging, rope-like veins in your legs? Varicose veins often cause discomfort and embarrassment, but they aren’t something you just have to live with. Treatment options are available.
Mar 1st, 2023
How to Protect Your Skin After Microneedling

How to Protect Your Skin After Microneedling

Microneedling is a skin care treatment that can offer dramatic results. But in the days following your treatment, your vulnerable skin needs protection as it heals. In this post, we describe some best practices following microneedling.
Feb 7th, 2023
5 Chronic Conditions That May Benefit from Acupuncture

5 Chronic Conditions That May Benefit from Acupuncture

Acupuncture is increasingly recognized as a treatment for an array of conditions. But we find that many of our patients aren’t aware of how helpful it can be. In this post, we describe five chronic issues that respond well to acupuncture.
Jan 17th, 2023
Is PRP Therapy Safe?

Is PRP Therapy Safe?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a way of harnessing your body’s healing powers. It may sound too good to be true or simply seem unlikely. In this post we answer some common questions about whether PRP therapy is safe.
Dec 1st, 2022
Can Hormone Treatments Alleviate My Menopausal Symptoms?

Can Hormone Treatments Alleviate My Menopausal Symptoms?

The symptoms of menopause can be more than annoying. They can disrupt your life, deprive you of sleep, and make doing both the things you need to do and the things you want to do more difficult. Hormone therapy could be the right solution for you.
Nov 1st, 2022
The Link Between Your Nutrition and Aging

The Link Between Your Nutrition and Aging

Despite, or maybe even because of, the massive amount of information regarding nutrition, it can be a confusing topic. Once you begin learning about nutrition related to a specific topic, like aging, it can become even more complex.
Oct 10th, 2022
How Acupuncture Can Treat Respiratory Disorders

How Acupuncture Can Treat Respiratory Disorders

Respiratory disorders can be frightening. Breathing is, quite literally, life. Acupuncture, an ancient form of healing, can successfully help people with some respiratory illnesses breathe more easily. Here’s how.
Sep 14th, 2022
Why It’s Important to Have Balanced Hormones

Why It’s Important to Have Balanced Hormones

People think of different things when they encounter the word “hormones.” Most don’t realize that there are more than 50 hormones circulating in your body at any given time. Hormonal balance is crucial to wellness.
Aug 9th, 2022
Stretch Marks? Microneedling Can Help

Stretch Marks? Microneedling Can Help

Stretch marks are very common. Pregnant women often develop stretch marks, and they may also be the result of weight gain or simply a growth spurt during puberty. At one time, stretch marks were considered permanent scars, but not anymore.
Jul 12th, 2022
Reasons Why Your Hair Is Thinning

Reasons Why Your Hair Is Thinning

Discovering that your hair is becoming thinner can be alarming. It can happen for many reasons, though, and often can be reversed. In this post we discuss why your hair may be thinning and what you can do about it.
Jun 1st, 2022
What Acupuncture Can Do for You

What Acupuncture Can Do for You

Are you skeptical when it comes to acupuncture? This post describes the treatment, when it may be beneficial, and what you can expect during an acupuncture session. You may learn acupuncture offers benefits you didn’t know about.
May 1st, 2022
Is PRP Right for Me?

Is PRP Right for Me?

Has someone suggested you look into PRP? If you have a soft tissue injury, PRP could be an effective approach. In this post, we explain PRP and the kinds of situations in which it tends to work best.
Mar 2nd, 2022
Counteract the Effects of Aging with Hormone Balancing

Counteract the Effects of Aging with Hormone Balancing

When you look in the mirror, do you see the person you expect to see? The effects of aging can be surprising, but there’s a common reason it happens faster than it should: hormonal imbalances. We may be able to help.
Feb 1st, 2022
10 Conditions That Respond Well to Acupuncture

10 Conditions That Respond Well to Acupuncture

Have you ever wondered if acupuncture is something you should consider? In this post, we look at 10 conditions that often respond well to acupuncture, as well as what researchers know about how it works.
Dec 12th, 2021
How Does Prolotherapy Work?

How Can Prolotherapy Help You?

Prolotherapy is an innovative, safe, and effective treatment for many injuries and conditions that can be difficult to resolve. If you’ve been searching for the best approach to ease your pain, prolotherapy could be it.
Nov 11th, 2021
Common Causes of Joint Degeneration

Common Causes of Joint Degeneration

Whether you call it degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis, the painful condition affects a large number of people. What are the most common causes, and can you avoid it?
Oct 12th, 2021
What Role Do Hormones Play in the Body?

What Role Do Hormones Play in the Body?

People reference hormones all the time, but what are hormones, exactly? What do hormones do? And how do you know if yours are at an optimal level? In this post, we take a look at hormones and their role in your health.
Sep 14th, 2021
Can Acupuncture Reduce My Migraines?

Can Acupuncture Reduce My Migraines?

If you have migraine, you know that it can be debilitating. It’s not just a headache; you have the prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome. There are good reasons to seek a nonpharmacological solution, and acupuncture may be a good approach.
Aug 11th, 2021

The Importance of Nutrition for Graceful Aging

As you age, lots of things may change, and your nutritional needs may be among them. Careful attention to your diet can help you remain strong and healthy so you can enjoy your favorite activities for many years.
May 4th, 2021

Sit Up: Your Posture Matters

You’ve heard it all your life: “Sit up straight!” “Don’t hunch your shoulders.” It may be worn-out advice, but it’s still good. Proper posture is an important component of good health.
Feb 17th, 2021

What Genetic Testing Can Reveal About Your Health

Consumer genetic testing has become very popular in the last few years. Have you ever wondered what you can learn about your health through genetic testing, or if there’s a difference in medical genetic tests and consumer ones?
Jan 6th, 2021

Let Us Help You Get Rid of Your Spider Veins

Although spider veins may not indicate a health risk, they can have a serious impact. If you don’t like how your body looks, it can have a real effect on your self-esteem. Luckily, there’s a simple procedure to eradicate spider veins.
Dec 2nd, 2020

5 Reasons Your Hair Is Thinning

There are lots of reasons your hair may be thinning, but the good news is that most of the causes of hair loss in men and women are treatable. Here are five common causes of thinning hair and what you can do about them.
Oct 12th, 2020

The Many Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient method of treatment, and one of the reasons it’s endured for thousands of years is that it offers numerous benefits. This post outlines some of them and explains what you should expect in an acupuncture session.
Sep 23rd, 2020

Relieving Osteoarthritis with PRP Therapy

The pain of osteoarthritis can disrupt your life and leave you feeling hopeless. PRP therapy could alleviate your symptoms, as it harnesses your body’s healing power to combat osteoarthritis.
Aug 21st, 2020

How Does Prolotherapy Work?

Prolotherapy is a regenerative treatment that stimulates your body’s natural healing processes. If you have stubborn pain, such as back pain or repetitive motion injuries, prolotherapy may be a solution for you.
Jul 28th, 2020

Integrative Health Care and COVID-19

Do you have questions about your care during the COVID-19 pandemic? If you’re curious about whether our office is seeing patients and wondering if you can continue getting treatments for a chronic condition, here are some answers.
May 18th, 2020

What Is Anti-Aging Medicine?

Do you think that getting sicker is a natural part of getting older? It doesn’t have to be. Anti-aging medicine, in combination with functional medicine, addresses issues before they arise so that you can remain active and healthy as you age.
Oct 1st, 2019

Myths and Facts About Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, so there’s been plenty of time for myths about the treatment to develop. Learn a few myths and facts about acupuncture and how it can be used successfully.
Aug 1st, 2019

What Does Nutrition Have to Do with Aging?

Nutrition is important at every stage of life, but older adults have particular nutritional needs. Learn how nutrition impacts aging, and what you can do to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need.
May 6th, 2019
acupuncture, Dr. Spiegel

Acupuncture For Migraines: How It Works

If you have migraine pain, you know how it can interfere with your life. If you’re looking for a treatment that won’t have nasty side effects, you may want to consider acupuncture as an all-natural treatment for migraines.
Dec 7th, 2018

How Functional and Conventional Medicine Differ

Two kinds of medicine exist in the world we live in today: conventional and functional. The former type treats symptoms in relation to the individual parts while the latter enables practitioners to adopt a holistic treatment approach.
Sep 26th, 2018

Signs and Symptoms of Male Hormone Imbalance

Are you experiencing changes that don’t seem to make sense? You may be dealing with a hormone imbalance. Men’s levels of hormones change with age, but differently than women’s. Take a minute to learn the symptoms of male hormone imbalance.
Aug 23rd, 2018

Stop Migraine Pain with All-Natural Acupuncture

Migraines are often debilitating and significantly impair quality of life. What’s more, migraines are resistant to traditional treatments and medication may have side effects. Get the facts on how acupuncture can relieve migraines naturally.
Jul 18th, 2018